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In creepy Reddit megathread, thousands of women recount the first time they were perved on by a grown man

Originally posted on we hunted the mammoth:
So there’s a giant, growing, and extremely creepy megathread up on Reddit at the moment, and for once, the creepiness isn’t coming from inside the Reddit. Well, less of the creepiness is coming from Reddit than you might expect. Yesterday, you see, a Redditor known as BA_Baracus posted a couple of…

Just a Note:

  • It really bothers me that the worldmap used in Wordpress's stats is a Mercator projection, and not something that reflects the relative size of the continents. This has been bothering me a lot about all maps, lately, in fact, although I know that ALL flat maps have their weaknesses.
  • I have learned what will always and ever be my favorite proverb, and it is in Korean: 언 발에 오줌 누기 - Taking a piss on a frozen foot. The meaning is perverse and hilarious - it refers to a very temporary relief from a problem, with a hint at the situation worsening subsequently. In English, we might say "That's just putting a bandaid over it."   For language geeks, 언 = 얼 (freeze) + 은 (past adjective-making particle) 발(foot) + 에 (locative particle) 오줌 (pee) 누(take) + 기 (makes a verb into noun)
  • File under Things I Never Thought I'd Get To Say: I just played pool with two monks (from two different sects of Buddhism and two different countries, no less!) and a Japanese woman. This is pretty neat.
  • I'm really happy that someone got here by searching "sex toys cake" - this seems appropriate to my general attitude in life. I'm somewhat perplexed and made nervous by "octopus in asshole" as a search term. Whoever got here with "fat in mouth disease" should probably leave and never come back.  
  • Someone apparently came to my blog by typing "Xena getting f*cked" into a search engine (star added to maybe prevent this post from showing up in the results). I would love to know how many pages of Xena porn results they had to go through to find this place.
  • Protip for people without uteri: I have yet to meet someone with a uterus who appreciates being treated like a freak for mentioning that zie does, in fact, have a functioning uterus.
  • Seen: 돈텔마마 모텔 = Don't Tell Mama Motel.
  • Ragen on Dances with Fat has an important post and activism opportunity to tell the author of a children's book about dieting exactly what you think of him.
  • Signal boost: In Wisconsin, you now have to pay to meet your elected representatives. WTF?
  • Seen: A teenage girl in hospital issue pajamas and black slops walking with a tall, fashionably dressed friend while hooked up to a bag of yellow IV fluid on a rolling stand. They were walking up the middle of the street lined with a cinema, restaurants, bars, yoga studios and ice cream shops. As far as I know, no hospitals within walking distance. ?!?!? Awesome.